Monday, July 09, 2007


  • Catholicism in the Home
Keeping the Lord's Day holy, Feasting throughout the year, Corporal Works of Mercy, Altars and Mary Gardens, A liturgical sort of year, Children praying, St. Pio on permissiveness, Friday, Taking care of priests, First Saturday, Support your local parish? Celebrate diversity.

  • All Things Domestic

The family meal, Making a home, Quest for femininity, Relating to our men, Dishwashing, Giving birth in imperfect circumstances, The family walk, Tea time, What a man wants, Positive homeschooling, The redemptive work of laundry, Being a football widow, The blessings of mealtimes, Husbands need affection too, Without a home, Cultivating health, Stand by your man, Working inside the home, Reflections on labor and delivery,

  • Relating to the Little Ones

Healthy bodies, healthy minds, Siblings and socialization, From another mom's minivan, The best things in life, Causing scandal, Make 'em work, Frugal role playing, On vanity, Improvised play, Life with little children, On reading Commercial-free childhood, Weapons in childplay, Sing into reading, Chesterton on babies, Help children to help themselves, Consistency, Learning, My story and the Rule of 6 The purity of a child's prayer, Childhood friendships, Choose your words, Growing the good, Stay the course, The difference.

  • To be IN but not OF this world

Give me my blessings now! Organic sex, Speaking out, What my 3 year old taught me, Separation of Church and life, Avoid the noise, Where to put the college degree, How primitive, On being pro-life, A taste of real wealth, My case against cell-phones, TV in the home.

  • The Spiritual

A reflection on Mass, Angels, In the middle of the night, The Angelus, Bring on winter, The Divine Prisoner, Different spiritualities, Adoration insights, Christ in the crowd, The rhythm of prayer, Becoming a saint, Do not be afraid, May: the month of Mary.

  • To Inspire

Diaper by diaper, The witching hour, Day by day, When you can't muster a one-liner, Little moments of joy, There is hope, Overwhelmed by children, A mother's dark night of the soul (1), A mother's dark night of the soul (2), JP2 on motherhood, The blessings of pregnancy, Encouragement from Scripture, Suffering in childbirth Catching his smile, More on gardening, Prayer and housekeeping, The glory of a terrible day, My garden of three, Ego-boosters, Sadness and sorrow, When all seems too much, Being apostolic, Sweet consolations, Battles with the ugly one, The hidden life, Flower gardening, To those who've long desired this vocation.

  • To Challenge

Witnessing with joy, A gift to God, A Mother's most important job, Sheen on motherhood, Called to more, The rules for arguing, The gratitude of St. Bernadette, Anxiety. Haste. Stress., Don't take it for granted, Remember new mothers, Acknowledge the Divine, Live in the NOW, Identity and discernment, Help Mary! An example for suburban moms, Could it be any more clear, Giving without reserve, Three little thoughts, Salt of the earth.

  • Books, Music, Culture

Song in my head, Taking the little road, Child-Size Masterpieces, Good music for children, Tintin, Brother Juniper, Poetry, Family games, The glorious Mother Goose, Fireside reading, Carmina Gadelica, Patricia Polacco, Books on family and marriage, Tomie dePaola, Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent's Guide , In my mailbox , Singing books for the home, Jim Ayelsworth, A Mother's Rule, Rio Grande Games, Successful Fathers, Donna Marie Cooper-O'Boyle, Noise, Blood Diamond, Fanciful Tales, What is good conversation?, Successful fathers, Counting and ABCs.

  • Arts & Craftiness

Autumn leaves, Beeswax candle making, Wall cards, Art project mediums, Straight from the farm, A scrapbooking alternative, Artsy alternatives, Improvised art, The hope chest, Saying thank you, Letterboxing.

  • Tips and Suggestions

Coffee Filters, For the phone slaves, For the computer slaves, Support our troops, Organizing with style, Stretching the food supply, Gifting on a dime, In the waiting room, Roadtrip in Peace, Practical and beautiful, Homemade skincare, Alternative gifts for kids, Teething tips, Maximizing vitamins in food, Dealing with raw meat, Get better photos, Natural cleaning products, Pass on the gourmet latté, Cop-Out dinners, Mass cooperation, Feeding toddlers, Maternity's awkward stage, Cheap deodorant, Baby food and maternity clothes.

  • Seasonal

A few Christmas Stories , A Special place for Santa, Music for the holidays, The twelve days of Christmas, Stuff, My errand to the post office, Don't do too much (Advent), The Jesse Tree, The Advent Wreath, Advent and Christmas in our homes, Words from Catherine Doherty, Motherhood and the story of Bethlehem, The origins of the Christmas tree, Christmas blends and sweets, Christmas projects, Are you ready? A book for Spring, Hot Cross Buns, Preparing the way, Lenten resources, Spring cleaning for the soul, Lenten scones, Forgo the cream and sugar, Sacrifices, All Hallow's Eve, Thanksgiving ideas , Thanksgiving Day.

  • The Art of Eating and Drinking

Thoughts on Tea, Gourmet desserts, Coffee Facts, On peanut butter, Coffee banana bread, Benefits of honey and cinnamon, Blends, brewing and cream, Breakfast muffins and banana bread, on iced coffee, Autumn recipes, A more delicate Superbowl, Meatless meals, Stopping to enjoy the drink, Real coffee cream, Buying organic, Fair trade coffee.

  • Miscellaneous

Catholic Relief Services, Breastfeeding support, G-Diapers, Infant Massage (1), Infant Massage (2), Cloth diaper review, worthy websites, homemade baby wipes, An artist's blog, Funnies from the English language, W2s, $1 pregnancy tests, and child custody, Waldorf nursing dolls, Letter from a friend, Holiday eating tips, Ergo baby carrier.

  • Questions and a Couple Debates

The Rosary, Giving to the poor, Spritual books, Fiction books, Personal prayer time, Personal reading time, Best gifts, Exercise, Time for hygiene, Answering the contraceptors, Squirmy diaper changes, Mealtime prayer, NFP, Boycotting, Creative discipline, Novus Ordo vs. TLM, Beginning sleepovers, Non-Catholic friends, Focusing during Christmastime, The truth about Santa, Staying healthy during flu season, Night terrors, Free billboard, Beginning discipline, Discussing other churches with children, Potty training, Age to watch "The Passion", Social programs and responsible parenthood, How not to insult cohabitors, Earn money from home, Dealing with missionaries, New Year's resolutions.

  • Feastdays
Mary, Mother of God, Epiphany, Baptism of the Lord, St. Francis de Sales, Don Bosco, Candlemas, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day , St. Joseph, St. George, St. Mark, St. Joseph the Worker, St. Isidore, The Ascension of Our Lord, The Visitation, St. Anthony, The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Nativity of John the Baptist, Blessed Junipero Serra, St. Thomas the Apostle, St. Maria Goretti, St. Benedict, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, St. Bonaventure, St. Laurence of Brindisi, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Bridget of Sweden, St. James the Apostle, Sts. Joachim and Anne, St. Martha, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. John Vianney, The Transfiguration, St. Dominic, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, St. Lawrence, St. Clare, St. Maximilian Kolbe, The Assumption, St. Jane Frances de Chantal, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Pius X, The Queenship of Mary, St. Rose of Lima, St. Monica, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, The Nativity of Mary, St. Peter Claver, St. John Chrysostom, Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Matthew, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, St. Vincent dePaul, The Archangels, St. Jerome, Guardian Angels, St. Francis of Assisi, Our Lady of the Rosary, St. Ignatius of Antioch, St. Luke, Brebeuf and Martyrs, Sts. Simon and Jude, All Saints Day, St. Martin de Porres, St. Leo the Great, Martinmas, St. Margaret of Scotland, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, The Presentation of Mary, St. Cecilia, St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Andrew, St. Francis Xavier, St. John Damascene, St. Nicholas, St. Ambrose, The Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Lucy, St. John of the Cross, St. Stephen the Martyr.

one of us :: 8:45 AM :: 1 Comments
