Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Day by day

I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. There is a host of reasons why, but the bottom line is that I asked myself how I could possibly live up to the great dignity of my vocation. I am so weak; when I hear the praises and glories of motherhood I am both inspired and overwhelmed. Sure, I'll be the first to tell you that there is no more important work in this world a woman can do than to raise her children with love for Christ. Putting that into my daily realities of untimely diaper blowouts and disobedient moments with grouchy kids is another story.

We have all heard the wise "Do ordinary things with extraordinary love" (Mother Teresa) but I even question just HOW extraordinary my love is when I go about my day grumbling and bitter. I say my morning offering but what kind of gift am I giving God if I do it with reluctance and resentment? It's not a gift at all.

Anyway, I read something yesterday that really struck a chord with me. Someone asked Mother Teresa how she managed to glorify God so wonderfully in all her work. Her answer was so simple. She said that she simply did what was in front of her to do that day. If only we could adopt such humble attitudes! Instead of trying to live up to the impossible holy pedestal you may envision motherhood to be... just live one day at a time and do what is front of you that day. Spend time with your children. Raising kids is more than dragging them along in your errands and hoping they stay quiet while you get stuff done (which is certainly part of it)... it is actively being with them. Talking with them (rather than at them). Today, I refuse to be overwhelmed by what I need to do and how unworthy I am to do it. God entrusted these kids to me for a reason, so while I may not have confidence in myself, I can certainly find peace in knowing that HE has confidence in me.

-Ellie, Oak Harbor


one of us :: 8:15 AM :: 1 Comments
