Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Question of the Week
We are filling in for Hope again today! I don't think we are anywhere near as good at choosing quesations as she is, nor do we have such a knack for triggering good, interesting debates. However, we try... This question is one which perhaps might help inspire those of us who haven't yet gotten into our own rythms regarding rigorous, disciplined exercise. The exercise of our everyday lives as mothers, a constantly on-the-go lifestyle with good muscle-work in kneading bread, holding babies, etc. is of course probably quite suffiecient! However, some of us like or need to have more than that. I loved the time I used to spend swimming laps and hope to work it into my life in future years, somehow... So enough babble... here are the questions!
How do you get your exercise worked into your day? What kind of exercise do you do? Do you do it with or without the kids? What exercise do you do while pregnant?Labels: Questions
one of us ::
10:21 AM ::