Monday, May 21, 2007

A book for Spring

We've just finished planting this year's little vegetable garden... lots of produce to look forward to!
One of our readers just expressed interest in how to get started on her own garden. Whether you live in the city or on land, you can have a garden of some sort. There are a few basics to starting a garden: choose a South-Eastern facing part of the yard; take out the grass and turn it into a vegetable garden by adding fertilizers and more topsoil if needed; start a compost pile with your kitchen scraps, etc. These are just the basics, but everything you need to know is here in this book below. If you're any type of serious gardener, growing flowers or vegetables, I'd like to recommend a great book to have around. Lately I've been reading THE NEW ORGANIC GROWER: A Master's Manual of Tools and Techniques for the Home and Market Gardener, by Eliot Coleman of Four Season's Farm in Harborside, Maine. This book has been a real treat for me to read over my lunch lately. It has always been my reference book whenever spring hits. As one reviewer said, he transforms gardening from a task to a craft, and finally to a 'local science'...

This book is not only an excellent manual but also incredibly motivating! Whenever I read any part of it it just increases my desire to learn more about growing my own food and to get on top of more projects such as growing our own salads all winter long in greenhouses... ah, to have more land!


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one of us :: 10:05 PM :: 3 Comments
