Saturday, January 20, 2007

Catching His Smile

Catherine Doherty has a wonderful line from one of her books which has been like music in my head lately:
"Now we will catch the smile of a child in both hands and hug it to our heart."
These days are so full of grace as I prepare, spiritually and mentally, for the birth of my second child. I know that most of you have already gone through the transition of one to two children, but I am going through this for the first time. I find myself more in tune with my 1 1/2-yr-old son's needs, moods, changes and development. Everything he is learning and doing is so precious to me as I ponder the fact that soon he will have a sibling. Every smile, every laugh, every movement, I am catching and hugging close to my heart as I know that soon my time will not be able to be all spent with him. My love for him will always be unconditional, but not undivided! What a thought. I will have another child to care for and love just as I did Aidan when he was first born. I know that the transition of not only having another baby around but also living in a new house and all will be for my son a big one. He will need as much compassion and understanding as I can possibly give him. I feel at this time that my love for him needs to be more abundant than ever as he and I make this change. Obviously the same goes for my husband and I... All 3 of us need to be in tune and loving as we go through the transition of welcoming the new little soul, the new little person, into our family. -Just some thoughts as I sit here late at night!!

~Sia, Vancouver, WA

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