Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Husbands Need Affection Too

We females (I assume that most of the readers out there female!) are very emotionally needy, especially while pregnant. It is very easy for us to feel neglected, left out, sad, ...you know the story. However, we need to always keep the emotional needs of our husbands in mind! They may not cry when they need attention or love. But they are human just like us and need lots of "Tender Loving Care".

They need our loving words and affection just as much as we need theirs. Just as we need those physical expressions of love such as a kiss at the beginning and end of each day, a good old bear hug, and look in the eye (every woman needs their own amount of this attention!), so do our husbands need that extra dose of loving attention. They may be feeling really worn out when they come home after a long day's work, and we may be exhausted from doing laundry, bending over with a pregnant belly all day picking up after our toddler(s) and feel too tired to welcome them heartily or with a smile. But our gift to them, our emotional support to them, should be making them feel like a KING when they walk through that door! (Granted, they should be always trying to treat us like queens too, but this post is about our actions, not theirs.)

Men become better men when we treat them like men. When we praise our husbands and tell them they are that they're handsome, are good husbands, are strong and hard-working, etc., their head is held a little higher, their shoulders a little straighter. (I mean in a good way, not a vain, pig-headed way.) They will act like our knights if we treat them as knights. Switch this around and think about it: If they were to never tell us that we are lovely as ever, that they love and appreciate all that we do, we wouldn't glow as much about our daily tasks. Yet we FEEL lovelier than ever when they tell us we are lovely, and oftentimes we are even more motivated to be better wives and mothers when we have them cheering us on.

So make your husband that extra cup of coffee... throw in that extra word of affection as he walks out the door and comes in in the evening. Try to keep in mind their emotional needs even amidst our own. They are more needy of our love then we usually remember!

~Sia, on Hanover Ridge with her family in Ohio


one of us :: 8:38 AM :: 3 Comments
