Thursday, August 17, 2006

Trying to raise LIttle Saints

I'm using this time to put in a plug for "Little Saints: A Catholic Preschool Program with Classical Disciplines." I've just started this with my soon-to-be four year old. He loves "schooltime"... because the program is designed to be fun and short for little attention spans. It's nothing too rigorous. It simply requires some organization on the parent's part to get everything ready for the lessons. So what I'm doing is preparing everything I need for a month's worth of lessons. Then I'll repeat the process next month. I love that this is a light way to introduce kids to academics; teaching my children to love learning is my goal as an educator. Ooh, that reminds me, I keep promising a post on why I'm choosing homeschooling over public! If you're dying to see my initial feelings on it, you can read that on my old blog here. But that's just chicken scratch right now. I want to take some time to articulate my thoughts better because the more I learn the more convicted I am on this topic for my family. So in time, in time...

-Ellie: Oak Harbor, WA

one of us :: 9:41 AM :: 0 Comments
