Monday, July 24, 2006

I can't resist

I know not everyone out there is into cloth diapering, but I just discovered an excellent new company and I have to share my enthusiasm. will be going on our cloth diapering page as soon as I get a chance to update it.

I've been searching and searching for a cloth diapering company that has ALL the products I like in one place. Often I find one thing here and another there and it's a pain to go from place to place to buy diapering supplies. Well, diaper junction is pretty close to tops! Since my youngest is a hefty fellow, he's grown out of all big brother's hand-me-down diaper covers and I am left to buy the large/toddler sizes that look like they're made for 5 year olds.

Anyway, I placed an order on Diaper Junction (based out of NC) just on Friday evening and it's already here on the other side of the nation! I am very impressed. (If you are curious, I bought a new night-time cover and a couple more of the inexpensive and highly effective Bummi Whisper Pants that work great on my tubby-legged little guy.

Anyway, rave reviews from me for! That's all... carry on... carry on.



one of us :: 6:03 PM :: 0 Comments
